My Story

Where I’m coming from…

Ever since I was a little girl, I loved being out in nature, so I spent a decent amount of time on our back porch. And that’s where I would sing my heart out (let’s be honest, that still happens even now, it’s just not quite as cute). Even at such a young age, I knew that as I sang, I had an Audience, despite not yet fully understanding who that Audience was.

At the top of my little lungs, I sang ‘Jesus Loves Me, this I know.’ And I really do believe I knew those words deep down as I grew up. I felt His presence, His love. When I was eight years old, I decided to make this thing official, and I started following Christ as best I knew how. He saved me, and I did not doubt I was entirely His.

My confidence in His presence, His love, however, would not always be this constant. Growing up and experiencing more of life’s hurts and confusions tend to do that.

It seems this ebb and flow of confidence in Jesus would be a constant threat on the fight for my heart for years to come. Am I really loved? Am I enough? Is God really who He claims to be…

And for a while, I pushed these thoughts and doubts aside. They were shameful to me. I have a running joke with my husband whenever I am talking through these questions: “I’m such a Ye!” (ya know, when Jesus says, “Ye of little faith,” and we take that and run with it and say I can never, ever doubt the Lord or I’ll just be a big fat Ye). That’s pretty much how I’ve lived most of my life. Struggling with my questions in secret, or finally admitting them and immediately feeling condemned. 

But lately, especially after becoming a momma and moving overseas away from everything and everyone familiar, those questions and struggles have resurfaced. My initial reaction was of course to hide or ignore. That, of course, got me no where, and that’s when the Lord began to beckon my heart to bring it all to Him. Every. single. thing.

So y’all, that’s where I’m at now. Re-learning what it looks like to sing Jesus Loves Me, this I know, and truly know it down into my depths and welcome it into every aspect of my life. Re-learning that my God can handle all of my heart struggles as I seek after Him. And despite me, God wants and chooses to use me.

Life as I know it now…

I have been married since July 2014 to my best friend in the whole world, Taylor. He is the exact opposite of me in most ways, and thank goodness too! He is steady, wise, loyal, kind, hilarious, faithful, and content in who he is. He is passionate about the global Church knowing Jesus passionately and making Him known to the world. And he pushes me every day to be more like Christ simply in the way he seeks Christ himself.

I am now a momma to our precious kiddos Lyla and Brayden and are in the process of adopting another little one from Malawi. Lyla is joyful, silly, feels everything very deeply (sorry kid, you came by that one honestly), loves singing, making up stories, and dressing up in all things princess and like her mommy, has such a huge and compassionate heart, and girlfriend keeps me on my toes with all those huge emotions. Brayden is all boy and loves anything involving a ball (I mean, how could he not if you know me and Taylor at all)! He is such a fun goofball, wants to run and jump off anything and everything, is obsessed with going on safari and all animals, and loves his sister as much as she loves him.

To be honest, while the transition to motherhood has been the sweetest, life-changing season, it has also been much harder than I ever expected. So I am now currently learning to live in grace as Jesus uses this time to prune me, mold me, and reveal to me more and more of His Father’s heart.

As for me in general (apart from Jesus being the most important, all-encompassing part of me)… Well, I love being around people. I thrive on sweet conversations and genuine words of affirmation. I’m a creature of habit, yet God in His grace has moved me to Africa. If I’m having a crappy day, just get me outside with some sunshine or take me to a coffee shop or put on a good movie and sit beside me, and I’ll be your best friend 🙂

But enough about me! The purpose of this blog is to know Jesus better and to help one another as we seek Him together. So please… read on, message me, reach out, leave a comment! I want to know you better as well so we can do this thing together.

Humbly yours,

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